If you really don't know where to start on this, then let me help you out. Here is your five step distribution plan that should make each newsletter printing you do worth it and successful.
1. Know your target market and create a profile - You will first want to know your target market and create a kind of profile of them. It is of course crucial that you do this since knowing who you will be distributing to helps you gain insights in the ideal locations and ways into introducing your custom newsletters to them.
So spend some time in discerning exactly who your target market is. Know their concerns. Know what they like to see and to read. Determine their habits in reading and the usual locations where they hang out. Each of these key data points will help you decide on the best way to give away those custom newsletters.
2. Determine the key important areas where your targets go - After getting that all important profile, you should then have enough data to determine exactly where the key important areas are that your target market or readers go to. Typically, these should be the areas where your target people pass by regularly in numbers, or hang out for a long amount of time in certain days. Take note of all of these important areas and mark the ones that are nearest and the easiest for you to get to.
3. Deploy racks for high traffic, high concentration areas - With areas set, you should now be ready to deploy. The best plan here is to deploy racks and leave your newsletters there with a sign that says “take one free”. People cannot resist taking something free, even if it is just a color newsletter so this should be a sure fire way to get those newsletters picked up in those key areas. Just make sure of course that you have permission to deploy there if needed.
4. Hire cheap labour to distribute them to mailboxes - Now, after that, to supplement your distribution, you should hire cheap labour (maybe teenagers) to give out your newsletters in community mailboxes. If your newsletter looks good enough and formal enough, they won't mind the unsolicited newsletter in their box. Just give your temporary distributors the key addresses where you think the newsletter should be welcome. The best places are apartment buildings where you can distribute those prints easily in one area.
5. Include them in kits as well as product packages - Finally, to make sure that the consumers close to you get into the action of reading your newsletters, you should include your custom newsletters in kits and product packages. Press kits or P.R. kits should be ideal deployment for your marketing newsletters, and if your products are big enough or their packaging is big enough, you can also slip in the newsletters there. The more spread out they are the better.
So that is your basic but effective plan for marketing newsletters. This should cover all the needed people in a typical marketing setting and help you gain real results from your newsletter printing.
No. of Times this article has been viewed : 400Date Published : Mar 20 2011
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