On the other hand, although you may think that this fun time, creating and organizing these events requires a whole lot of planning. There is the location to arrange, activities to plan, and people to contact to help run the event. Once the plans are made and the event is being worked on, it is time to spread the news so that many people, business persons and guests will attend.
Aside from using flyers to announce your company events, you can either use bookmarks. Bookmarks can serve a two-way purpose: to market and as a souvenir item. Bookmarks can be sent through email or snail mail to your guests and significant attendees. If your event calls for everyone, you can distribute your custom bookmarks in the malls, shopping centers and even posted on bulletin boards around town. Be sure to distribute them in places that your target market is likely to be. For instance, if you are holding an appliance sale, be sure to distribute your marketing tools near households or villages or apartments.
As for the designing of your custom bookmarks, it is important to keep your target audience in mind. Making a list of benefits and values of the event you are advertising is a good idea. Your bookmark design should grab the attention of your target customers so as the message on the bookmark should make the event sound irresistible. The content should be brief, concise and to the point. Make sure to include all of the specifics such as time, date, location and cost if applicable. You could go ahead and print bookmarks yourself using your home computer program. On the other hand, it is a much better idea to go with a professional printing company as it will ensure that your bookmark is very well designed, eye-catching and of good quality. Remember that you want to draw as many people as possible to your event and you will not attract many if your bookmark is not designed well or just plain dull. Remember that your bookmark will serve two purposes. Make sure that the design and look of your bookmark is the kind of material that your recipients would want to keep.
Aside from that, since custom bookmarks are usually small in size, they are an inexpensive way to advertise an event of any kind and there are local printing companies widely available to create your prints as well as numerous, good online printing services you could use. A professional printing company that is into creating flyers, plastic card business handouts, brochures and banners has at least one graphic designer who can help you create amazing custom bookmarks that are designed to attract attention and which prompt people to take action. Or if you have company designer, you can let them explore the web on some attractive designs for your bookmarks. It would be cheaper if your staff will do it, because asking the assistance of an outside designer can be very costly.
As small as it may seem, a bookmark can equal the benefits that other popular marketing tools can give.
No. of Times this article has been viewed : 296Date Published : Jan 8 2011
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