
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Translate Your Website for a Fantastic Return on Investment

Speaking to your customers in their native language automatically increases their desire to buy from you. We all know that these days, our websites are our shop windows - the one place where new customers will go to check out our products and services.

Translating this information and talking directly to your target market is one of the best investments a company can make. 56% of consumers have stated that receiving information written in their own language is more important to them than price. This is definitely an opportunity worth exploring and your global consumers are crying out for it.

It is a known fact that 65% of the online world population does NOT speak English. And yet, by simply translating your website into ONLY French, German, Italian and Spanish you will be able to communicate with 75% of the global online population. What other investment can increase your readership level so drastically? Attracting visitors to your website is one thing - keeping them there is quite another and the bounce rate is significantly lower if the reader can not access your web text in his or her mother tongue.

It is a common mis-conception that most people speak and understand English, with adult Americans believing that just over half of the world's population speaks English. This is simply inaccurate with the actual number, according to The National Foreign Language Center in Washington DC, being closer to 20% at the most. How would British or American consumers feel if all Volkswagen or BMW adverts were in German? Probably the same as our European friends think about so many UK and American products and services only being offered to them via English language marketing.

Did you know that every $1 spent on localizing your company website is said to yield a $25 return? If the average website translation into 4 languages costs about £2k or $3k then that translates into a £50k or $75k return. So, why is it that companies are often so reluctant to translate?

The only logical explanation is that translation is often viewed as a cost, as something companies feel obliged to do in order to conform. It should not be viewed in this way. Website translation should be viewed as a smart investment that will guarantee you a great ROI. More enquiries convert into a higher level of achieved sales and that all-important bottom line suddenly shows why you decided to invest in translation. It is an easy way to totally expand your exposure and create limitless opportunities.

Localizing your website also means that you are providing information that is culturally adapted - that really does cross international barriers. By not localizing your website you can often, inadvertently, cause complete confusion to your foreign market and even mis-represent your products and services - badly reflecting on your company's profile and image abroad.

Go global today and take that first step towards really talking to your customers. Make that leap and invest in your company today. The world really is getting smaller and any competitive edge a company can create has surely got to be worth trying!

About the Author:
Liz Pascaud is the Director of EJP Translations, an ATC accredited translation agency based in the UK. With a reputation for delivering the best, at an affordable price, Liz has had the pleasure of working with large and small companies alike based in the US, the UK and in Europe. Contact Liz : of Times this article has been viewed : 293
Date Published : Dec 18 2010

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